Photo of Professionals at Hotard & Hise

On Your Side In Georgia With Proven Results

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Typical Personal Injury Case?

Car accidents are statistically the area in which most personal injury cases occur. These cases come when a client is injured due to the fault or negligence of another party.

What Is A Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death claim exists when after a fatal accident that is due to the legal fault of another person or company. Examples include automobile accidents, cases of medical malpractice, and product liabilities.

Who Brings Up A Case In A Suspected Wrongful Death?

A wrongful death claim is filed on behalf of the survivors who have suffered measurable damage from the accident. They could include immediate family members, spouses, and financial dependents.

I’m Getting Divorced. Do I Need To Hire An Attorney?

In short, yes. Divorce cases can be quite complex. Make sure to take advantage of our intial consultation in order to discuss all the pertinent case information so that you have a better understanding of the challenges you face.

How Much Will My Divorce Cost?

The cost of divorce is based on a number of different factors and as such there is no general scale. Every case is unique.

Get Answers To Your Legal Questions

At Hotard & Hise, we offer a an initial consultation to answer your questions about your legal concerns. Call 1-855-LAW-WIN-1 or send us an email to talk to a lawyer.