Do these 4 things before divorcing to protect your retirement
Divorce can affect every aspect of your life, including your retirement plans. Retirement accounts are often divided between spouses during a divorce, which could disrupt years of planning. However, there are steps to take before or during the divorce process that...
How courts treat the division of significant assets in divorce
Most couples worry about asset division when heading toward divorce. However, the issue is more important for those with significant assets, such as a business, real estate or retirement accounts. In these cases, the split has a considerable impact on each party’s...
Determining ownership of a rental property during a divorce
The division of assets during a divorce is a common concern, especially for couples that own a rental property. When it comes to deciding who gets it, the courts follow specific guidelines to ensure fairness and equity in the distribution of assets. Equitable division...
Deciding how to settle your family business in the divorce
Family businesses are casualties of divorce more often than you might think. When you have built a business with your spouse and your marriage is ending, you might wonder what you should do about that business. How do you decide who retains the business or how much...
What assets do I have to split in my divorce?
If you and your spouse are heading for a divorce in Georgia, you may feel overwhelmed at the thought of dividing assets with your spouse. Knowing how Georgia law outlines some basic division rules can help you plan for your future. How are assets divided in a Georgia...
3 FAQs about changing child support amounts
If a child support order was part of your divorce decree, a judge may have based monthly payment amounts on your children’s needs and your incomes, among other factors. However, as your children grow and life brings other changes, you may find that your original...
What will happen to my retirement accounts after divorce?
If you have an impending divorce, you probably have a lot on your mind. You might be thinking about who will get custody of the children, who will be paying alimony to who, and who will get the house and other assets. If you’re like most people, your 401(k) and other...
Mediation helps you take control of your own divorce
If you and your spouse are facing divorce, you are probably not looking forward to litigation and the prospect of a bitter court battle. Mediation is an option that has gained in popularity because sessions occur outside of court and couples can work out their own...
What is not included in marital assets?
Since the most litigated part of divorce proceedings is property division and distribution, you likely worry about what property will remain yours in your separation from your spouse. In your divorce, Georgia courts will attempt to divide your marital assets and...
4 Challenges of getting a gray divorce
Divorce can be tough for any couple, regardless of how long you’ve been married. However, for couples who have a few decades of marriage under their belt, a gray divorce can come with some unique challenges. 1. Splitting marital assets Since you and your spouse have...