Dangerous roads in Northern Georgia
With seven million licensed Georgia drivers, collisions commonly occur on the state's roadways. While many such crashes are minor, severe auto accidents result in serious injuries and fatalities. Be aware of hazards when traveling on these Northern and Central Georgia...
What will happen to my retirement accounts after divorce?
If you have an impending divorce, you probably have a lot on your mind. You might be thinking about who will get custody of the children, who will be paying alimony to who, and who will get the house and other assets. If you’re like most people, your 401(k) and other...
4 steps to take after a car accident
Car accidents are inherently stressful events. If you become one of the roughly 4.4 million Americans who suffer an injury in a car accident every year, your stressful accident may also be incredibly painful. Fortunately, to help you manage your recovery, you may be...
Mediation helps you take control of your own divorce
If you and your spouse are facing divorce, you are probably not looking forward to litigation and the prospect of a bitter court battle. Mediation is an option that has gained in popularity because sessions occur outside of court and couples can work out their own...